Verisimilitude:the appearance or semblance of truth.
Alfred Stieglitz stated, "Photography is my passion, the search for truth, my obsession." By the end of his life Stieglitz had produced more than 2,500 mounted photographs, of those more than three hundred were of his lover and later, wife, Giorgia O’Keeffe. He photographed her in all states and over many years, claiming that one angle and one picture would never suffice as a portrait.
After his death O'Keefe began the monumental task of assembling all of Stieglitz's estate. He had more than 3,000 photographs of his own, 850 works of art mostly by artists he represented, 580 prints by other photographers, an enormous collection of books and writings, plus nearly 50,000 pieces of correspondence. She was given the sole authority over his belongings, and took three years to personally sort through every piece. She gave most of his works to major museums in the U.S and when asked where she had placed a portion of his ashes, her only reply, "I put him where he could hear the water."
I wonder if he found his truth, or if it was gifted to him?...
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